Sleep Health

The Healthy People 2020 provides various national objectives for promoting the health for all persons living in American. Healthy People has come up with benchmarks and monitored progress over the last three decades to measure the impacts of prevention activities, empower people in making informed decisions, and encourage collaboration across the communities and sectors. One of the objectives of Healthy People is to achieve high-quality and longer lives which are free from injury, disability, preventable diseases, and premature death (Bolin et al. 2015). One of the ways of achieving this important objective is getting a healthy sleep. Sleep plays a significant role in the health and well-being of an individual throughout their life. Healthy sleep is incredibly essential for an individual’s health. Health sleep is as important as exercising and eating healthy (Sherwood, Ulmer & Beckham, 2018).

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Importance of Health Sleep

Getting adequate and quality sleep at the right time helps to protect an individual’s physical and mental health, safety and quality of life. Much of how a person feels when they are awake depends on what happens while they are asleep. During sleep, the body works to maintain physical health and support mental health. In children and teens health sleep helps development and growth. Sleep deficiency can have caused severe harm over time. For instance, lack of sleep can result in some chronic problems. Insufficient sleep can also affect how people work, learn, think, react, or get along with others. Sleep helps the brain to function properly. Prospective studies suggest that a healthy night’s sleep improves learning (Sherwood, Ulmer & Beckham, 2018). Sleep enhances learning and problem-solving skills and helps an individual to be creative, make decisions, and pay attention. Sleep also affects how the body responds to insulin and sleep deficiency can increase an individual’s risk for diabetes.


Bolin, J. N., Bellamy, G. R., Ferdinand, A. O., Vuong, A. M., Kash, B. A., Schulze, A., & Helduser, J. W. (2015). Rural healthy people 2020: new decade, same challenges. The Journal of Rural Health, 31(3), 326-333.

Sherwood, A., Ulmer, C. S., & Beckham, J. C. (2018). Waking up to the importance of sleeping well for cardiovascular health. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 20(3), 606-608.

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